May 10, 2023

Behind the Scenes - LPGM Board of Directors holds Annual Meeting and Strategic Planning Retreat

When one walks a labyrinth, there are a variety of reasons and responses to the irregular path. Sometimes the response is fear or stress. Yet, it can also lead to creativity through a combination of meandering with purpose. 

Dedicated members of the board of directors and members of staff are always working behind the scenes to ensure that Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry is moving toward its vision by living up to its mission.

Our Vision

Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry envisions a world where relationships transform boundaries and where all people have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Our Mission

Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry provides access to quality education for people at the margins–especially women and girls. We work together with global partners to listen, respond and bear witness to local needs and priorities.

Annual Board Meeting

On April 29, 2023, the LPGM Board of Directors held its Annual Meeting of the organization where the 2022 Audit was approved and finalized and the 2022 IRS Form 990 was also approved and finalized. The audit firm offers a unqualified opinion, meaning they believe that the financial statements of LPGM are presented fairly in all material aspects. (Another way to look at this is that the audit opinion is "clean" and that's the best we can seek to obtain.) LPGM has never received anything but this unqualified (clean) opinion. This leads to transparency for donors. We are committed to this high standard and will continue to put forth the effort necessary to continue this pattern. You can read more here: LPGM Annual Reports

Board Member Transitions

We bid farewell Deb Christensen who was a board member from 2016 - 2023, as her second term ended. She was also the board Secretary since 2018 and a member of the Executive Committee in that role. "Deb's insight has been invaluable and her voice incredibly informative," said LPGM Executive Director Dan Ruth. Deb has been connected to LPGM for more than 13 years as a partner and donor. She has traveled to India and Guatemala. She plans to travel with LPGM to Tanzania later this year. Thank you, Deb, for your service to LPGM!

We also welcome a new board member, Kathleen Hokemeir-Seim. She and her family have sponsored students in India since 1996. In her own words, Kathleen is thrilled to be on the LPGM board! Kathleen brings a human resources background to our board which we know will be helpful as we look to some staffing transitions in the coming year. Welcome Kathleen!

You can see a listing of all the board members here: Our Leadership: Dedicated to Service

Strategic Planning for the Future

After the business meeting, there was lively conversation in small groups as well as the large group regarding goals for 2030 - strategic thinking and planning - in a retreat-like setting. These goals and the tasks to achieve them are what sets the agenda for the behind the scenes work for the board, committees, and staff members. We were served much food for thought that will be carefully reviewed and sorted to make sure we can complete the tasks to accomplish the goals.

This sort of work isn't for everyone, but for those who have a talent and a passion for leadership and strategic action, it is a blessing to an organization like LPGM. Contact executive director Dan Ruth at if you are interested in board or committee membership or if you know someone who would be a candidate for this work. We are always seeking ideas and opinions and creativity to keep our work relevant and meaningful ... to bring purpose from our meanderings.

We are grateful for the prayerful support of our donors and partners. Thank you!