Resources for Your Congregation or Group

Your Church or Small Group Can Change the World, One Student at a Time.

Relationships Transform Boundaries. Here are some ways that your faith community can build relationships around the world.


Recent Church Partnerhips

Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Faribault
Our Savior's Lutheran, Faribault, Minn.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church | Twin Cities
Bethlehem Lutheran Twin Cities, Minn.

Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Rockford
Our Savior's Lutheran, Rockford, Ill.

Olivet Lutheran, Fargo, N. Dak.
Olivet Lutheran, Fargo, North Dakota

“As a pastor, traveler, and board member, I have witnessed how gifts are carefully and creatively multiplied for maximum impact!”
The Rev. Mark Holman, Duluth, Minn.

You can open doors to quality education
for people at the margins—especially women & girls

Thank you for your interest in getting your congregation or group involved in this vital mission! Whether you're reaching out on behalf of a small group, Sunday School class, or your entire congregation, we're eager to connect! Scroll down to view the many ways your group can help students around the world. 

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Please complete the following information to download a toolkit that you can use to engage your group or congregation.

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Host a Speaker

LPGM leaders are ready to preach in worship, speak to your group, or lead an education time with adults or children.
Request a Speaker 


Show a Video

LPGM's YouTube hosts numerous videos that can be played for your group during worship, education hours, or more.
View Videos 


Download Content for Your Newsletter

Download photos, videos, stories, logos, and other content for your congregation's newsletter, bulletin, email announcements and more!
Browse Content 

Start a Fundraiser in your Congregation

Create a Page

Choose a particular cause that you want to support. You can create your own fundraising page right on our website and track your success!

Start Raising Funds

Easily share your fundraiser with friends and family to raise donations.

Make a Difference

Funds are directly given to LPGM, ensuring your dollars are spend effectively.

Create a Fundraiser

Sponsor a Student

Sponsorship is one of the easiest ways to help a student.

Step 1
Learn about who we sponsor and why.

Sponsored children come from poor and marginalized families. Many are Dalit (formerly known as “Untouchables”), the lowest social group in the Hindu caste system. The word Dalit means “oppressed” or “broken.”

We believe that education is the way for these students to break cycles of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, child marriage, child labor, and abuse. By sponsoring a student, you are providing them with a step up and hope for a better future.

Step 2
Learn what sponsorship provides.

Just $40 a month provides safe shelter, food, clothing, medical care, school supplies, and academic, emotional, and spiritual support as your student(s) receive a quality education at our Lutheran partners’ schools. At the same time, these students – mostly Hindu – experience the love of God by our Indian partners, the Arcot Lutheran Church and the India Evangelical Lutheran Church, both in Tamil Nadu, India.

Individuals, families, small groups (like book clubs), and congregations currently support nearly 1,300 students.

Step 3
Meet students on the waiting list, select yours, and sign up today!

You may look through all student profiles or filter by age, birth month, birth year, or gender. Once you select your student(s), you will be asked for personal information (which we keep safe) and to set up your payment plan. You may choose the frequency of your payments via credit card or bank account online. We also accept checks, or non-cash assets such as stocks and securities.

Once you have submitted this information, we will contact you with further details, including an introduction letter from your student and directions for how you may write back.

Students in Need of Sponsorship


I'm a 12-year-old boy.

keerthiga S.

I'm a 13-year-old girl.

Aravindhan R.

I'm a 8-year-old boy.

Learn More about Sponsoring

Transformational Travel

Open your eyes and meet your neighbor. You’ll leave the tourist books behind and make a real connection with people, share ideas and meals, shop at local markets, and learn about new cultures and traditions.

Learn More

Travel to India

February 2025


“My LPGM trip to India was life changing. I would love for my friends to see how different and special it is there, to experience how kind and welcoming these people are. It was an amazaing trip!"
Learn more

Travel to Guatemala

June 2024


“This trip was an amazing experience for our family. It was a chance to see the splendor of God's creation and learn about how we can better care for it.”
Learn more

Travel to Tanzania

September 2024


“The opportunity to sit beside and visit with God's people on this LPGM trip to Tanzania exceeds seeing all the beauty of Europe.”
Learn more

Let's Connect

Thank you!

We look forward to hearing from you & learning how we might connect with you and your group.