Jul 11, 2024

Celebrating Naomi Staruch's Legacy

Naomi's Final Weeks with LPGM


June 27 was a bittersweet day for LPGM, as it marked Naomi Staruch's final day as managing director. She is embarking on her next journey: retirement.

After 30+ years of service to LPGM, Naomi Staruch is an undeniable pillar of LPGM. She knew LPGM's co-founders Gordon and Betty Olson before LPGM was formed, and she provided them with steadfast support after their son Tim was killed in the Central African Republic (CAR). Having been involved with LPGM since its inception, Naomi became our resident historian.

During her last few weeks, she worked diligently in both formal and informal ways to pass along her wisdom, memories, and stories. She spent hours uploading historical documents and videos to LPGM's databases and regaled her colleagues with stories.

She assured the LPGM team that she was just a phone call away, and that she would stay connected to the organization. On the other hand, she was thrilled to no longer set her alarm clock every day, and she was looking forward to a slower pace of life.

On June 13, LPGM staff, supporters, and friends gathered to surprise Naomi with a retirement luncheon. Guests enjoyed Indian food and a performance and short dance tutorial from local Indian dancer, and CEO of South Asian Arts & Theater House (SAATH), Divya Maiya. Guests also viewed a slideshow with photos of Naomi over the years. Throughout the event, the room hummed with warm energy and was filled with laughter.

After the food and dancing, LPGM's co-founder Gordon Olson showered Naomi with praise. 

Gordon Olson's Tribute


Gordon and Naomi have a close friendship that goes back decades. According to Gordon, "She's been the backbone of Lutheran Partners from the very beginning." He went on to say, "We could not have done it without Naomi and without a few other people who stepped in to help us get started... she was the organized one." 

He recalled that someone had jokingly remarked, "I think Naomi will be missed more than you," which elicited a huge laugh from Naomi and the rest of the crowd. 

He continued by marking the occasion with an acrostic poem using the letters of Naomi's name to spell out her admirable attributes:






He concluded by thanking her for her 30+ years of service to LPGM, and they shared a hug.


Dan Ruth's Story


LPGM's executive director Dan Ruth then shared a story about a crossroads in LPGM's history. He explained that before he was hired, the Board of Directors was wondering if it was time to sunset LPGM after many successful years. He remarked, "It was a real open question... maybe we've done our time and we've served our purpose well."

He sat down with staff to get to know them better, and his meeting with Naomi left a lasting impact on him. From his recollection, Naomi said, "I have been part of this organization since the very beginning... since Tim's death... since the dedication of St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Bangui... I care so deeply about the success of this organization that if I'm the one who's getting in the way of its future success, I will gladly step aside."

 Dan mused that this humble, selfless, and self-aware declaration showed him that she was exactly the kind of person that LPGM needed to continue having around. 

On behalf of the organization, he then gifted Naomi with a set of engraved wind chimes to symbolize "the resonance and the music" that she brought to LPGM.


Naomi's Reflections


Finally, Naomi shared a few words. She graciously thanked everyone for coming and expressed gratitude for the gift. She then shared a memory from the very beginning of LPGM.

"When I first went to India in 1996, I brought some checks and I said 'we're going to sponsor these kids,' but we didn't hardly have any money in the bank. We stepped out in faith, and we said we're going to do this...That's how we started. We really had no idea. Every step of the way we just thought, well we could do it this way or we could do it this way..."

Naomi's faith, optimism, and gifts have touched the lives of countless people both locally and around the world. Like the chimes, her impact will resonate for years to come. 


Naomi's Legacy in Photos