Aug 10, 2023
Library Refresh
Thanks to friends like you, the boarding home and village school libraries (administered by our partner, the Arcot Lutheran Church of India) have added many new books and resources for students and teachers.
We are now in the third year of a three-year campaign to refresh the libraries and enhance the English+ program.
An anonymous donor is matching gifts up to $10,000 per year. As of August 2023, more than $98,000 toward our $150,000 goal has been raised!
Here are just a few highlights of how these gifts are being used:
Visitors Return!
In January and February of 2023, two LPGM groups visited ALC schools and libraries. These were the first visits since the pandemic began.
Students were excited to showcase their English reading, speaking, and singing skills to these American friends and showcase their libraries. They were highly encouraged by the visits.
Library Refresh
In April 2023, book fairs allowed students, staff, family, and even community members to be part of selecting new books for their school and boarding home libraries.
Books were purchase through Indian publishers at about $1 per book. Your gifts restocked the shelves with books these students want to read, which nurtures both their academic and personal growth.
Make-over at Melpattambakkam
When LPGM travelers visited Melpattambakkam Boarding Home in February, this was the condition of the library, which serves 300 girls ages 6 to 18. (Click image below to watch the video.)
Late May 2023, a one-day training was conducted for Melpattambakkam Boarding Home staff. English+ staff demonstrated how to match books to students' reading levels through the “GROW BY” reading method.
This training was timely, in that in July, 600 books were added to the library. They are also adding shelves, benches, and more to make the library a fun place to be! Watch for the "after" video, coming soon!
Some Words for You…
“Library and English+ is a new hope, a new horizon, a new sunshine and a new dawn for our ALC schoolchildren. We pray that God continues to strengthen your (LPGM’s) hands to reach out to the unreached marginalized people around the world.”
-- (Anonymous English+ staff)
“I thank the Arcot Lutheran church and LPGM for giving me this opportunity to be a tool in motivating children and teachers.”
--Epzi, English+ Resource Teacher
Thank you for putting books in the hands of Dalit children! You are enhancing the education – and therefore the lives – of thousands.
To learn more about the Library and English+ program, visit this page.