Feb 25, 2025
Recent Graduate Dreams of Bringing Speech Therapy to the Kalrayan Hills
From first through fifth grade, Akila was a sponsored student at Alathi Boarding Home in the Kalrayan Hills. She recently returned to campus for the first time since fifth grade for an alumni meet.
When she stepped foot on campus, a strong wave of emotion hit her, and she was filled with nostaglia and fond memories.
Currently in her third year of a bachelor’s degree in speech language pathology in the bustling city of Chennai. After completing her internship next year, she would like to work in a school. She was drawn to speech language pathology due to a desire to serve and support children and to increase awareness of the importance of communication within the community.
Akila misses the calm and peaceful environment of her home village, nestled in a valley in the Kalrayan Hills. Her dream is to open a speech therapy center near her home one day. She shares, “The people of the Kalrayan Hills don’t know about the causes of, and treatments for, speech disorders. I wants to educate adults so that they can better support their children.”
While Akila didn’t learn English in school, she has taught herself English over the past two years by watching YouTube videos and English language movies with Tamil subtitles.
She tries to speak and practice English as much as possible, and her friends and teachers are always willing to practice with her. They know she comes with a small tribal village, and that she has had to overcome many obstacles, so they are very supportive and want to help her learn English.
Akila has been able to pursue her dreams thanks to your support of the Extended Study Program. For the past three years, Akila has received funding for her college studies. Supporters like you ensure that brilliant young women with limited financial resources can cultivate the lives they’ve aways wanted.
Support students like Akila achieve their dreams

Akila and LPGM's communications coordinator, Shannon Mahedy, smile together during Shannon's recent trip to the Kalrayan Hills in February 2025.

Akila poses with other three Kalrayan Hills alumni who attended the alumni meet up in February 2025.

Akila starts telling Shannon her story during lunch at Alathi Boarding Home in the Kalrayan Hills. The students were served their favorite meal - chicken biryani!