Dec 17, 2024
Small World Connections Lead to Big Impact
Soon after Bethany Krepela joined the LPGM staff in 2020, she discovered that she knew several friends of the ministry, including Rebecca Totzke. The Totzke family had sponsored students through LPGM's Project Education India since 2016, and Rebecca happened to be Bethany's daughters' school music teacher.
"We always connected at school conferences and events," Bethany recalls, "but never had enough time to finish a conversation!" The two bumped into each other on Halloween and decided to change that. They met after work one day, and Rebecca hatched the idea to invite Bethany to her home to meet with her small group from church — mostly moms who, like the Totzkes, are members at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Minneapolis).
"As a sponsor, I have watched LPGM do amazing things around the globe," Rebecca shares. "I was excited to share their mission with friends and to help grow this amazing global community!"
With Christmas nearing, the two quickly set a date for the first Thursday in December, and Rebecca sent out an email to her small group plus some others, promising an evening of connection, snacks, and "a little holiday shopping" at her home. She was also transparent that Bethany would share about LPGM and the mission of our partner Eripoto for Girls & Women in Tanzania.
The evening came, and as Bethany set up an array of purses, bags, and jewelry handmade by girls from Eripoto, Rebecca welcomed guests and poured beverages. Soon, the ladies gathered around to hear the story of LPGM and Eripoto. They reflected on how girls and young women around the world are facing such difficult hurdles to access education. Then, they "shopped" and visited some more.
By night's end, $369 was raised to support Eripoto's safe house program, and LPGM had gained several more friends who were all anxious to share the mission with others... and wrap some remarkable handmade Christmas gifts!
To learn how you can host an event to share the LPGM story, please contact Bethany at 612-806-0733 or bethany@lutheranpartners.org.
Spotlight on Eripoto Handicrafts:
The beautiful handicrafts on display at Rebecca's event were made by the Maasai girls staying at Eripoto's safe house in Tanzania. When school isn't in session, the girls learn to sew and make beautiful handicrafts. They create vibrant beaded jewelry and cute patterned bags, hats, pouches, and purses.
When possible, the goods are sent to the United States, and LPGM supporters often purchase them at church sales. The money made by selling the products goes directly back to Eripoto to support the work they are doing to empower, educate, and protect girls escaping forced early marriage and pregnancy. In turn, the girls learn valuable income generating skills.
When you buy Eripoto handicrafts, you can be confident that your money is bringing hope, safety, and opportunities to girls in Tanzania.