Prasanna N.
ID# 020-2242

About Me
My name is Prasanna N.. I'm a 12-year-old girl.

My birthday is
March 13, 2012.

8th Standard

Boarding Home

I live and go to school at Melpattambakkam Girls' Boarding Home in Tamil Nadu, India. Owned and operated by the Arcot Lutheran Church — an Indian, Dalit-led church body in the state of Tamil Nadu — Melpattambakkam serves about 300 girls between sixth and 12th Standard.

Favorite Activity

My favorite activity is playing volleyball.


In the Indian Caste system, I am Dalit. "Dalit" means "broken/scattered" in Sanskrit, and is a term used for people belonging to castes in India who have been subjected to untouchability. In the past, Dalit people were believed to be impure, so dominant-caste Hindus considered their presence to be polluting. The "impure status" was related to historic occupations that were considered to be "polluting" or debased, such as working with leather, disposal of dead animals, or sanitation. [via Wikipedia]

Favorite Subject



1 sister